
How to use and set baker.Components

The baker.Components struct lists all the components available to Baker when defining topologies.

Hence, to create a topology, Baker requires:

  • an instance of baker.Components
  • a TOML configuration file describing the topology we want to run
func main() {
	comp := baker.Component {
		// ...

	f, _ := os.Open("/path/to/topology.go")
	cfg, _ := baker.NewConfigFromToml(f, components)

_ = baker.Main(cfg)

The next paragraphs give you a high level overview of each field of the baker.Components struct.

Inputs, Filters, Outputs and Uploads

These fields list the components that are available to topologies. All components present in baker.Components can be used in the TOML configuration file.

The following is an example of baker.Components where:

  • we use all inputs and uploads provided in Baker repository
  • only a single filter is set, a custom one we declared ourselves
  • all Baker outputs are added in addition our own custom output
import (

comp := baker.Components{
    Inputs:        input.All,
    Filters:       []baker.FilterDesc{MyCustomFilterDesc},
	Outputs:       append(output.All, MyCustomOutputDesc...),
	Uploads:       upload.All,

	// Other fields not shown here.


Metrics lists the metrics clients available when creating topologies.

import (

comp := baker.Components{
    Metrics: metrics.All,

	// Other fields not shown here.

This list can contain a metric backend already included into Baker or a custom implementation of the baker.MetricsClient interface.

For more, see the page dedicated to metrics.


import ""

comp := baker.Components{
	User:    []baker.UserDesc{ /* list of user-specific structs */},

	// Other fields not shown here.

Baker users might want to use Baker TOML files to store application-specific configuration. The User field lists user-defined configurations structures which aren’t strictly useful to Baker.

To learn more about this topic, read the dedicated section in the Pipeline configuration page.


import ""

shardingFuncs := make(map[baker.FieldIndex]baker.ShardingFunc)

comp := baker.Components{
	ShardingFuncs: shardingFuncs,

	// Other fields not shown here.

ShardingFuncs holds a dictionary associating field indexes to hash functions. When sharding is enabled, these hash functions are used to determine which shard a record is sent to.


import ""

func validate(baker.Record) (bool, baker.FieldIndex) {
	// ...

comp := baker.Components{
	Validate: validate,

	// Other fields not shown here.

Validate is the function used to validate a record. It is called for each processed record unless nil or when dont_validate_fields is set to true in TOML’s [general] section.

Regardless of the dont_validate_fields value, the Validate function is made accessible to all components so that they can use it at their will.

A simple validation function based on regular expression could be enabled from the [validation] section of the TOML. Anyways, the user should specify the validation either in the Components or in the TOML.


import ""

func create() baker.Record {
	// ...

comp := baker.Components{
	CreateRecord: create,

	// Other fields not shown here.

CreateRecord is a factory function returning new Record instances. If not set, a default function is used that creates a LogLine with the comma field separator.

The function is used internally by Baker each time a new Record must be created. This happens when blobs of raw serialized data, provided by the Input component, are parsed.

The function is also available for components needing to create new records.


import ""

func fieldByName(name string) (baker.FieldIndex, bool) {
	// ...

comp := baker.Components{
	FieldByName: fieldByName,

	// Other fields not shown here.

FieldByName returns the index of a field given its name.

Internally Baker refers to fields by their indices, but it’s simpler for users to refer to fields with their names. This function exists to convert a field name to its index, it also controls if the name is valid.

The function is mainly used by the components (that receive it during setup) to retrieve the index of a field they need for filtering or processing, but it is also used internally by Baker when sending fields to the output (when at least one field is selected in the output TOML configuration).


import ""

fieldNames := []string{"field0", "field1", "field2", "field3"}

comp := baker.Components{
	FieldNames: fieldNames,

	// Other fields not shown here.

FieldNames is the slice holding the record field names.

Record fields are 0-based indices, and thus the role of the FieldNames slice is twofold: first it allows Baker components to refer to a record field by its name rather than its index. It also set an upper-bound on the number of declared fields a Record can have, which is useful in some cases. That’s why FieldNames is provided for components to use in case they need it.

If the FieldNames slice has not been set, Baker generates it automatically from the [fields] section in Baker TOML configuration file. However Baker will refuse to start if field names are neither set in baker.Components nor in the configuration file.

Last modified October 29, 2020