
Input List


This input fetches logs from a predefined list of local or remote sources. The “Files” configuration variable is a list of “file specifiers”. Each “file specifier” can be:

  • A local file path on the filesystem: the log file at that path will be processed
  • A HTTP/HTTPS URL: the log file at that URL will be downloaded and processed
  • A S3 URL: the log file at that URL that will be downloaded and processed
  • “@” followed by a local path pointing to a file: the file is expected to be a text file and each line will be read and parsed as a “file specifier”
  • “@” followed by a HTTP/HTTPS URL: the text file pointed by the URL will be downloaded, and each line will be read and parsed as a “file specifier”
  • “@” followed by a S3 URL pointing to a file: the text file pointed by the URL will be downloaded, and each line will be read and parsed as a “file specifier”
  • “@” followed by a local path pointing to a directory (must end with a slash): the directory will be recursively walked, and all files matching the “MatchPath” option regexp will be processed as logfiles
  • “@” followed by a S3 URL pointing to a directory: the directory on S3 will be recursively walked, and all files matching the “MatchPath” option regexp will be processed as logfiles
  • “-”: the contents of a log file will be read from stdin and processed
  • “@-”: each line read from stdin will be parsed as a “file specifier”

All records produced by this input contain 2 metadata values:

  • url: the files that originally contained the record
  • last_modified: the last modification datetime of the above file


Keys available in the [input.config] section:

Name Type Default Required Description
Files array of strings ["-"] false List of log-files, directories and/or list-files to process
MatchPath string “.*.log.gz” false regexp to filter files in specified directories
Region string “us-west-2” false AWS Region for fetching from S3
Last modified December 12, 2022